BlackBerry Bold 9700 Specs
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I love this device... :) Such an easy phone to use.. Good call quality as well as screen resolution... LOVE THIS DEVICE WTG BB!!!!!!!! Ive had this phone for over 2 years with minimal problems. My trackpad freezes sometimes, but that also from 2 years usage and every day usage as well..
is a qute good phone although some very important features missed,, but you can enjoy too many other features as well that u will never find in any other brand like sync of ur personal and important contacts, dates and many many more,, actually bb is bet in this,, : )
Ultrafast, the track pad is great, beutifull and elegant, not too big, keyboard´s great and comfortable, i´ve just move from 8520 to 9500 to this one, i was happy with my 8520 and i just love this bold. RIM couldn´t fix my 9500 and gave me this awesome device. The mail delivery is the best. GPS is not so good. The sound is even better than storm.
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