Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Specs
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The Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman is most commonly compared with these phones:
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I have it now like 3 Years, It gets really Slower and you'll get annoyed because you just can't do anything with the Phone right now, because there are now a lot better Phones with the same Price, just don't buy this Phone anymore.
Hi All,
Mobile updated with ICS before 6 months. It was working fine and i enjoyed with the mobile's performance. But now a days facing lot of problem after one year completion
Facing below problems:
1. Touch is not working as before
2. Mobile perfomance got too slow
3. Call logs are not coming
4. Dictionary mode is not working while send sms
5. Sometimes, while replying for a SMS, not able to type texts, all the options are disabled. when i exist and reenter into the message option, then it's working fine.
6. gets hang, while using internet.
7. when battery level is 17%, mobile got shutdown and says low battery
Please help me or suggest me for the same.
my LWW was good to my touch before...but it is not responding to my touch as before.... i got this problem 1 year after i brought this mobile.... if u have any solutions please post it...
but otherwise it is the best mobile... and it is my first mobile....i love it............
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