I use my MM2 almost 1 year. The functionality and ergonomics are on realy high level. Display has good quality of picture (not as good as samsung but still pretty).3"7 inches are no too large and no too small. I dropped the phone several times and no damages has happened. MM2 is durable and dense. Battery life time depends on your usage. My record is 3 and half day. That is nice for almost 1 year smartphone. But if you wont you could recharge your battery after 7-8 h (display brightens max, gps on, wifi on, overclocked to 1,3 GHz, web browsing + games). Physical keyboard is my favorite feature. I write sms words as fast as I "think". UI interface is relay fluent if you don't use crappy widgets. MM2 has also a few disadvantages. In my opinion: Jack audio output near power button, Blocked bootloader, Delayed support for android update, Temporary UI delay after turn on network access.