If your cellphone received a robocall meant for someone else, you could be entitled to $1,500 per incident

If you received a voicemail on your phone that was meant for someone else and not you, you might be entitled to file a class action lawsuit under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Under this act, consumers can seek $500 to $1,500 per violation of the act. You might not know this but the TCPA is a federal law that prevents companies from making calls that are pre-recorded or from delivering pre-recorded messages without prior consent from the user of a cell phone that received such a call or message.
Under this act robocalls placed to your cellphone number by mistake, especially if the message was recorded by your phone, allows you to file a class action lawsuit and seek monetary damages. These calls are often made to consumers who have just switched to a new cellphone number because the company making the call may not be aware that a certain phone number has been reassigned to a new subscriber. Sometimes a call is placed to the wrong number simply because a company has the incorrect number for the person they are trying to get in touch with.
A law firm in Boca Raton, Florida is recruiting for clients it thinks can qualify to be part of a class action lawsuit. If you received a robocall on your phone that was meant for someone else and your device happened to record a voice message related to the call, the Boca-based law firm wants to hear from you. Simply click on this link and you'll be sent to the Top Class Actions website. There, you will find a blue bar to click that will open a form on the right side of the page. Complete the form and submit it if you want to join the list of plaintiffs seeking a share of any settlement or judgment amount.
Once you submit the form, you will hear from an attorney who will go over your claim with you for free. Just remember that a class action suit can take years before the plaintiffs see any money and that the plaintiffs' lawyers typically are paid 25% to 40% of the total settlement or judgment amount. Still, if you do file a claim, you'll be happy to know that over the last decade, major corporations have paid millions of dollars in fines to cover class action lawsuits filed over robocalls.
Companies that have paid out millions of dollars to settle robocall class action suits include:
- Wells Fargo
- Navient Solutions
- Cox Communications
- Convergent Outsourcing
- JPMorgan Chase Bank
- Synchrony Bank
- Adobe
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