T-Mobile tips cheaper data plans with 5G and the Sprint merger, up to 4Gbps speeds

He was joined by the Chief Operating Officer of T-Mobile, Mike Sievert, who commented on the thought that is on everyone's mind now, plan prices after merger with Sprint that would reduce the four major US carriers to three. Will data plan tags increase under the 5G pressure? Well, Mr Sievert is on the contrary opinion, stemming from the fact that the resulting New T-Mobile carrier will have unprecedented synergies of spectrum frequencies:
With that kind of capacity, we'll be able to afford to give Americans network service and wireless service at lower prices than we've ever seen before
Currently, the carrying capacity of each individual tower is much lower than what it will be with 5G, and the latency much higher. Perhaps the most important novelty that the next generation in wireless brings, apart from the download speeds, is the ability to hook multiple times the devices that a tower can now carry, and we aren't talking phone only, but hundreds of types of IoT gizmos, too.
As for the all-important speed up on 5G? Well, how do 4Gbps maximums and 450 Mbps average download speeds sound like? Sorry, that's for 2024, or five years after T-Mobile's 5G network inauguration, but 100Mbps averages may be possible as soon as next year, tipped the COO.

T-Mobile is well positioned in the long-distance low-band spectrum with its $8 billion acquisition at the 600MHz level, while Sprint holds copious amounts in the short distance high-bands. The two carriers may have to divest some of these holdings under regulatory pressure, but will still be "the leading national spectrum holder," and there is every chance they will want to ease their new customers with enticing plan tags to pull market share away from the big two.
source: CNET
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