RIM BlackBerry PlayBook to be launched on April 10th?

RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook has theQNX-based OS and the professional allure to turn some eyes, but upuntil now we had no specifics about the 7-inch tablet's release date.Not any more – various sources quoted by BGR claim that the PlayBookwill hit retail stores' shelves on April 10th, whilePlayBook OS will reach a release candidate stage on March 31st.The QNX-based platform looks great, but some proximity to HP/Palm'swebOS could be noticed and accusations of “uncanny similarities”have started flying recently.
The PlayBook tablet, however, willprobably get significant carrier support in the States as it is coming out in different flavors, compatible with all of the majorcarriers' high speed 4G networks. And with an April launch, thismight heat up the tablet space even more. But before that there isone iPad 2 waiting to be unveiled, so let's wait up and see what Apple hasin store.
source: BGR
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