Palm's Pre wins Best In Show at CES

Are you ready? Better hold on to something and have a strong grip because I know this is going to be a surprise. Palm's brand new Pre smartphone was voted Best In Show at the just completed CES. Surprised? Well, you shouldn't have been. If you are a cellphone junkie, this device has been on your mind since it was introduced late last week. Along with the phone, the manufacturer also showed off the new WebOS that is the brains of the new device. Already, many analysts and critics are calling the Pre a real-repeat after me-iPhone killer. But this phone must do more than murder another phone model. The entire survival of Palm is now placed squarely on the touchscreen and part of the model's appeal is that it seemingly came out of nowhere as a last gasp effort. The Pre will be available in the first half of 2009 according to Palm and initially will run over Sprint's Ev-Do rev.A. And as badly as the phone's manufacturer needed to shock the wireless world with the Pre to stay alive, Sprint needs a hot touchscreen smartphone to compete with AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon. The three networkers have exclusive U.S. rights to sell respectively, the iPhone, the G1 and the BlackBerry Storm. The Pre will have a 3.1 inch touchscreen with a browser based on WebKit, a 3.2 mp camera, and a QWERTY slider.
source:rtt news
source:rtt news
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